About Me

sometimes i'm accurate but imprecise. sometimes i'm precise but inaccurate. sometimes i'm both.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wow, I Kinda Suck at This

Hey guys. Long time no see...

As you may have noticed, there has been something of a hiatus between my last blog post and this one. Thank you, life, for getting in the way. Unfortunately, thanks to work (nine hours a day), commuting (four hours a day, and more on that later), rehearsal (two hours a day), eating (one hour a day) and sleep (six hours a day), life has given me precious little time for blogging.

Some fun updates on my life since August. I got a job. They let me into a nine-to-five (actually eight-to-four-thirty) job. I was as surprised as I'm sure you are. They even let me run serious projects that make a difference! My mother is so proud.

Thanks to the co-op program here on campus, I get to commute every day from Hoboken to Somerset. Now, you may say, a forty minute drive is not so awful! And I would probably respond, you are right , Reader. At least I would if I had a car. No, I get to take the train. All in all I rather like trains, it kinda comes with the territory when you go to an engineering school. I get to sit still for fifteen minutes between Hoboken and Secaucus and then for forty-five minutes from Secaucus to New Brunswick, then another co-op picks me up at the station and we take the ten minute drive to work. Sounds lovely, no? And it would be if not for a few minor details.
  1. My first train leaves Hoboken terminal at 6:26 AM. Which means I have to leave my apartment by 6 to take the mile walk to the train station, or risk missing the train and getting to work 40 minutes late. Which means I have to wake up at 5. In the morning. Before sunrise.
  2. Once I get to Secaucus and onto my connection, people will frequently decide that I seem like a kind and understanding person, who would like to talk to pass the train ride. I have no idea where they get this impression from, but it has spanned race, gender, age and varying levels of crazy. Its almost like I give off the vibe that I like people. Perhaps its time to take Peaches' advice and start biting people while foaming at the mouth. Or I could take it as an opportunity to meet new people and exchange world views, but let's not get carried away here.
  3. I get off the train in New Brunswick at 7:36 or so. My ride (who lives five minutes from the train station) has decided that he simply cannot be bothered to show until 7:51. I am consistently late for work because of this. On the flip side, he refuses to leave work on time, especially when I have an appointment on campus.
This Friday was the worst on any count. The train to New Brunswick stopped at Rahway station, and told us that an electric line had gone down across the tracks. We were stuck in Rahway for two and a half hours. During this time as I quietly tried to read my book (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, definitely worth a read if you haven't already), no less then seven people tried to initiate conversation. Fantastic day.

Other life updates, anyway. I was in, and just finished a fantastic production of Frayne's Noises Off, fun but emotionally (and physically) draining. I also took the initiative yesterday and cut my hair. All of it. Responses so far have ranged from Cute, to Dammit, to strange facial expressions followed by petting my head.

So that's my life in a nutshell right now. I had better sign off, its 10:40, past my bedtime.

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