About Me

sometimes i'm accurate but imprecise. sometimes i'm precise but inaccurate. sometimes i'm both.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I have a friend who loves semicolons; I told him I would write a blog post using butt-loads of them. Because I suck at grammar, I will not be able to do this correctly; I'm instead posting a link to a comic about them. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/semicolon

Now that that is over with...

Books are a wonderful thing; I may only be saying this because I am a massive nerd. (Hey look! A semicolon!) Seriously, opening a book for the first time, the smell of paper, the feel of the paper edges on a well read book. What could be better?

The best/worst part of books has to be buying them. I love walking down the aisle of the usually abandoned SciFi/Fantasy section perusing the titles before me, leafing through the ones that look interesting. The awkwardness comes when there is someone else in the aisle. I never realize how private a thing buying books is until there is someone standing next to me, trying to do the same things that I am.

I never know what to do in these situations. If my life were a movie, there would be awkward flirting and an hour and a half of disgusting adorableness, followed by betrayal of some sort and possibly some explosions, a passionate make up kiss and the end credits. Luckily for everyone involved, my life is not a movie. However that still leaves me with someone-generally a male of even greater nerdiness than me- in my fortress of solitude created by the narrow book shelves.

I don't know which s worse, the feeling of having my privacy invaded or the knowledge that this is as sacred a moment for them as it is for me. I invariably decide on the book in my hand as quickly as possible and head out to save us both.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, I usually go for the awkward eye contact and half chuckle before attempting to ignore them. And how about those people that sprawl themselves on the floor and start reading? Nothing wrong with that but, stepping over a stranger is always awkward. I also feel like that's kind of stealing.

    Also very nice semicolon action ;-) (look, it even has a 'cool' application an emoticon face!)
