About Me

sometimes i'm accurate but imprecise. sometimes i'm precise but inaccurate. sometimes i'm both.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm having trouble dealing with the fact that Edward Cullen is a fictional character

Ah, another post prompted by Google Reader goodness.  This time it was from a image posted by Stretch:
 I usually tend to take the Google search screen-shots at face value, but this one I had to check out for myself. Fortunately, I had to add a 'D' to get that entry.  Unfortunately, it is still an auto-complete option that yeilds 3,320 search results. Dear Lord above.  Most of the links, from what I can tell, are facebook, myspace, etc groups.

The facebook one, particularly has almost 25,000 members and almost 5000 photos, mostly either pictures of Robert Pattinson or or bad "art".
I'm sleeping with a shotgun from now on

Hold on for a second while I clear my browser and search history.

Now, shame mine, I have read all of the Twilight books and seen the first movie.  I am not proud of this. I have to wonder, though about this obsession. How starved for attention do you need to be to want this life? How lonely are you if you can become so wrapped up in the idea of this perfect(ly creepy) lover that you completely ignore the world outside of the books and movies?

To any Twilight fans that may have come across this posting expecting fangirl fodder, take a deep breath.  Look at the world around you.  You are beautiful, and there is probably some guy you know (the one who listens to your rants about how hard it is to find a guy like Edward, perhaps) who likes you. A lot. Just a thought.

Anyways, I'm going to go marathon Firefly.  Until next time: stay sane.